Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Pauline Alohalani Ki'ili (Kuhia)

Aloha Mai Kakou!

Pauline Alohalani Ki'ili whose father is George Maka Kamaka Ki'ili Sr. whose father is Kamaka Ki'ili whose father is Joseph Ki'ili Kanehinakini Leonui whose mother is Kamaiwahine Pe'elua who is the sister of Kailiohe Opio Pe'elua.

From Keoki Ki'ili:

Aloha 'Ohana,

Mahalo for your prayers for my sister Pauline Alohalani Kuhia and her daughters Anna, Anela and Wailana. God took "Hawaiian" home to be with the ohana on Saturday morning. Services will be held on April 19, 2012 from 2:00PM to 3:00PM at Ballard Family Mortuary, 440 Ala Makani Place, Kahului. Please share thisinformation with ohana.


Keoki Maka Kamaka Ki'ili Jr.

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