Friday, August 19, 2011

O Makou Halawai Pa'a Mau!

Aloha Awakea Ko'u 'Ohana!

E 'olu'olu 'oe i ko'u mana'o (please do me a favor), let me know if you plan on coming to our meeting at Blaisdell Park on 4 Sep 2011 at 1000am on Sunday! I would like to know approximately how many of our 'Ohana will be there.

Maha Nui Loa!
Sanford S.K. Kame'ekua

Kahua Ho'olulu ( Meeting Place)

Aloha Awakea!

It is decided we meet at Blasidell Park on September 4, 2011 at 1000am. Someone has to go early to reserve some tables. I probably will be one. Anyone alse, please contact me. Also it will be a potluck, so try to contact our 'Ohana about the meeting if they would like to come. Everyone is welcome. Like Roselani said, it's just like a picnic.

Mahalo Nui Loa!
Sanford S. K. Kame'ekua