Sunday, November 14, 2010

Travis Vincent Kalani Diego

Travis Vincent Kalani Diego

Published On November 14th, 2010 - Honolulu Star-Advertiser
Oct. 29, 2010

Travis Vincent Kalani Diego, 26, of Kahului, an Old Lahaina Luau server, died in Maui Memorial Medical Center. He was born in Honolulu. He is survived by father Peter, mother Kathleen C., sister Britney, and grandparents Emily Castillo and Fely Diego. Visitation: 5:30 p.m. Friday at Christ the King Church. Mass: 7 p.m. Cremation to follow. Casual attire.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Ho'ohui 'Ohana

Aloha Mai Kakou Ko'u 'Ohana!

At this time we would probably like to have a reunion during the summer months sometime in 2012 when all the children will be out of school. We will probably have a meeting after April 2011. I will keep the reunion list that I have at the moment where you can add or delete names from the list. Just email me and I will do that for you. Should you have any suggestions, please let me know. Malama Pono Kapoe Apau!

O Wau No Me Ka Ho'omaka'i!
Sanford S. K. Kameekua

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Travis Vincent Kalani Diego

Aloha Mai Kakou!

Just to let family members know that we lost one, Travis Vincent Kalani Diego whose mother is Kathleen Castillo whose mother is Emily Lestino whose mother is Ana Kailiohe Kaleponi whose mother is Emelia Kailiohe Kame'ekua whose father is Inaina Kame'ekua & mother is Ane Luahine Kame'ekua whose mother is Kailiohe whose father is Pe'eluakoloia'ao Kailiohe's husband is Nukuna Kame'ekua. Services will be held on Maui @ Christ The King Church on November 19, 2010. Should I received more information, I will pass it on. A time was not given to me.

O wau no meke ho'omaka'i!