Saturday, January 30, 2010

Parking Permits & Tents

Aloha Mai Kakou!

For those who I will be issuing parking permits, don't forget I need the owner & license plate number. The owner & license need to be on the parking permits that I issue. For tents, we are allowed two 20 x 40 tents & twenty camping tents. This is what I have so far:

Nakagawa, Garrick (8 Camping Tents)

Kaleikini, Sr., Arthur (1) 20 x 20 Kitchen

If anyone else are putting up tents, I need to know, so please email me with information.

Mahalo Nui Loa!
Sanford S. K. Kameekua

Friday, January 29, 2010

T-Shirt Payments

For those of you who made orders for T-Shirts, payment must be made for order to be processed. If payment is not made, order will not be processed. Personal checks takes about ten days to clear. So if you didn't make your payment, please do so, so you can have your shirts on time. Orders will still be taken & turned in. Per Keoki, we can still take orders at the reunion, but you will not receive your shirts till they are made which is after the reunion & you must pick up or have it shipped to you. Shipping prices vary depends on how many shirts you order. Checks may be made out to me & sent to the following:

Sanford S. K. Kameekua
1447 Kiukee Place
Kailua, Hawaii 96734-4271

I La Makai No!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Parking Permits

Aloha Mai Kakou!

I will have twenty parking permits for those who plan to camp over night. After 1000pm they usually give tickets unless you have a parking permit. For those of you who plan to stay over night, I will issue a parking permit. I will need the name of the owner of the car & the license plate number. If all parking permits are issued out, then you must park out on the shoulder, but not in the park. The park closes at 1000pm & only those parking permits will be allowed in the parking area. So please reserve a parking permit from me. When I get twenty names, I will stop issuing parking permits.

Mahalo Nui Loa!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Tales From The Night Rainbow

Tales From The Night Rainbow

Anyone purchasing, “Tales From The Night Rainbow,” authored by Pali Jae Lee’ please put in your order. The cost will be $15.00 each book, plus $6.00 shipping & handling within the United States up to three books, after that shipping will cost more should you want more. International buyers, shipping will cost more. This would be the eighth edition & the books are being printing & will be out in early February 2010. Books may be picked up at our reunion on February 12, 13 & 14, 2010. Per Johnna Willis-Thomas at the reunion she will take cash, money orders or cashier’s check. If you would like to make a payment by personal check, check must clear before the reunion or before books will be given out. Checks may be made out to me: Sanford S. K. Kameekua. It usually takes about ten days to clear. The books will be handled by Johnna Willis-Thomas.

Johnna Willis -Thomas
C/o Sanford S. K. Kameekua
1447 Kiukee Place
Kailua, Hawaii 96734-4271

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

T-Shirt Designs

Aloha Mai Kakou!

For those of you who are purchasing T-Shirts, I now have a design of what the shirts will look like. Will attach to this email two pictures. In this two pictures, the okina in Pe’eluakoloia’ao is wrong, but will be corrected. I just wanted to get out some design to the ‘Ohana of what the shirt will look like. Any questions, just email me.

I lā maika‘i nou.
Sanford S. K. Kame’ekua

Monday, January 11, 2010


‘Ohana Reunion Officers & Committees:

President – Sanford S. K. Kameekua
Vice-President – Rochelle Willis
Secretary – Loma Cordero
Treasurer – Lisa Daniel
Sargeant @ Arms – Sonya Badayos

01. Entertainment, Music, Golf, Etc.
a. Brandon Daniel
b. Loma Cordero
c. Troy Andrade

02. Activities Or Programs For Kids
a. Kealoha Mailou Kama

03. Genealogy
a. Sanford S. K. Kameekua
b. Lisa Daniel
c. Johnna Willis-Thomas (Tales From The Night Rainbow)
d. Richard Brooking
e. Leimomi Cummings
f. Joy Ki’ili

04. Photography, Video & Memorabilia
a. Kamalani Mailou
b. Jasmine Willis

05. Location, Permits, Etc.
a. Kealoha Mailou Kama
b. Pauline Badayos
c. Anelalani Raposas
d. Sonya Badayos

06. T-Shirts
a. Keoki Ki’ili

07. Workshops
a. Keoki Ki’ili (Kane Holomua)
b. Kealoha Mailou Kama
c. Kaleiwohi Cabuyaban
d. Danette Tabion (‘Olelo Hawaii & Na Mea Hana Lima)
e. Gene Parola (Mo’olelo Hawaii )

08. Cleanup & Security
a. Arthur Kaleikini, Sr.
b. Etisone Tuvale
c. Maui Mailou

09. Registration
a. Emma Sarono
b. Rose Tuvale

10. First Aid
a. Carol Sator
b. Sherri Oplendo

11. Treasurer
a. Sanford S. K. Kameekua
b. Lisa Daniel
c. May Kamelamela
d. Danette Kamelamela

Meeting Attendance

Attending Meeting On January 10, 2010 Sunday

01. Brooking, Richard
02. Brooking, Yvonne
03. Ceno, Charles
04. Ceno, Lynette
05. Cordero, Loma
06. Daniel, Nohea
07. Dixon, Meshell
08. Kahapea, Robert
09. Kahue, Ernestine
10. Kaleikini, Sr., Arthur
11. Kameekua, Sanford
12. Nakagawa, Georgette
13. Nakagawa, Gordon
14. Nakagawa, Wilbure
15. Peelua-Vegas, Jantseen
16. Sator, Carol
17. Sirken, Jeremy
18. Sirkin, Marleina
19. Tabion, Danette
20. Vegas, Pono
21. Willis, Jasmine
22. Willis, Kehau
23. Willis-Thomas, Johnna

Reunion Meeting & Minutes

Aloha Mai Kakou!

Because we didn’t have enough confirmed people attending our reunion (people who paid their remittance for the reunion to rent a big tent & buy food, etc.), we scrapped the idea of renting a big tent & cooking the meal for Saturday February 13, 2010. We are now going the route of everything is potluck. The only thing we have for that Saturday is Kalua Pig & Rice which was donated. The rest will have to be potluck. All the people who sent me a payment will get refunded. So please don’t send anymore payments. I will refund those who paid as soon as I receive the new checks from the bank where we just opened an account for the ‘Ohana. There will be no monies collected at this time. The reunion will still go on with workshops, Golfing on Friday & so forth. The Dinner on Saturday will be at 500pm. Jasmine Willis will be making an itinerary for the reunion. So just come and enjoy. There will be no charge for everything. Just bring your own stuff. If anyone else wants to donate any food for that Saturday, you are welcome to, that is besides the potluck. The following are some of the things that were donated & some of the things you may have to bring.

Tent – 20 x 20 (Arthur Kaleikini, Sr.) for the kitchen
Kalua Pig – Donated By Gordon Nakagawa
Rice – Ernestine Kahue
Paper goods – Yvonne Brooking
Bring Your Own Drinks
Bring Your Own Chairs (Table – Optional)
Bring Your Own Tent/Lantern
There Will Be No Generator
Bring Your Own Necessities
Trash Bags/ Toilet Paper
Zip Loc/Tin Foil
Warmers/Sternos – Brandon Daniel (For Kalua Pig)

O Wau No Me Ka Ho’omaka’i!
Sanford S. K. Kameekua

Monday, January 4, 2010

Mai Poina Ka Makou 'Ohana 'Aha

Aloha Mai Kakou!

Don’t forget our family meeting on January 10, 2010 Sunday at 1000am in the morning at Kupuna Nohea Daniel’s house in Kunia.

Sanford S. K. Kame’ekua

Nohea Daniel
515 Kunia Drive
Kelepona: 808-622-3125

Sanford S. K. Kame’ekua
1447 Kiukee Place
Kailua, Hawaii 96734-4271
Kelepona: 808-262-1447