Saturday, August 29, 2009

Ka Wai Ola

Pepeluali * February 2010


The descendants of Kailiohe, Kailimeeau, Kamaiwahine and Lae who are the children of Pe’eluakoloia’ao are planning a reunion on February 12, 13, and 14th 2010. For more information, please go to the web site at and you can check out all the information & also maneuver to the other web sites which has our ‘Ohana Genealogy where you may find out if you are in the genealogy or where you belong. You may contact me for any corrections needed or additions that you may have. Anyone interested in joining our reunion, please contact one of the following persons:

Sanford S. K. Kameekua
Home Phone: 808-262-1447

Emma M. Sarono
Home Phone: 253-475-8381
Cell Phone: 253-227-0557

Thursday, August 6, 2009

‘Ohana Reunion Committees:

‘Ohana Reunion Committees:
01. Entertainment, music, golf, etc.
a. Brandon Daniel
b. Loma Cordero
c. Troy Andrade

02. Activities or programs for kids
a. Kealoha Mailou

03. Genealogy
a. Sanford S. K. Kameekua
b. Leimomi Cummings
c. Joy Ki’ili
d. Johnna Willis-Thomas (Tales From The Night Rainbow)

04. Photography, video & memorabilia
a. Kamalani Mailou
b. Jasmine Willis

05. Picnic, banquet, table decorations & locations, etc.
a. Kealoha Mailou
b. Pauline Badayos
c. Malia Bovee
d. Anelalani Raposas

06. T-Shirts
a. Keoki Ki’ili

07. Workshops
a. Keoki Ki’ili
b. Kealoha Mailou
c. Kaleiwohi Cabuyaban
d. Danette Tabion (‘Olelo Hawaii)

08. Cleanup
a. Etisone Tuvale
b. Maui Mailou

09. Registration
a. Emma Sarono
b. Rose Tuvale

10. First Aid
a. Carol Sator

11. Treasurer
a. Sanford S. K. Kameekua
b. May Kamelamela
c. Danette Kamelamela