Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Last Reminder For Golf

Aloha Mai Kakou!

Just a last reminder for anyone interested in the golf. All registrations should be in & payments made by the 30th. You may contact Loma or Brandon if you have any questions!

Hauoli Makahiki Hou!

Confirmed Golf Tee Time For Friday February 12, 2010 (Kunia Golf Course)

Tee Time: 9:20am
Cost: $35.00 Adults (60 yrs & older $30.00)
$25.00 Children (7 yrs thru 17 yrs)
$65.00 Out of state
$22.00 Riders (Non Golfers)

Anyone interested email or call. Payments & interested parties due by December 30, 2009.
Brandon: 808-864- 1295
Loma: 808-392-2525

Monday, December 21, 2009

Wynnona Oi Lin Paia

Welina Me Ke Aloha!

For those of you who are interested, our cousin William Kahanuala Kupihea Paia’ s wife Wynnona Oi Lin Paia passed away on December 2, 2009. She was born in Honolulu, Hawaii and was 70 years of age. Her funeral will be at Diamond Head Memorial on January 2, 2010 Saturday. Viewing will be from 900am to 1130am. Services will be from 1130am. Burial will be at 1245pm.

Mahalo Nui Loa No Lokomaika’i!
Sanford S. K. Kameekua

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Payment Deadline

Aloha Mai Kakou!

At this time we have a deadline for the T-Shirts & confirmed reunion headcount. All payments should be in by January 12, 2010. Our meeting is on the January 10, 2010 & all payments should be in by that time. We need to know who is coming that is confirmed. Confirmation would be payments & forms turned in to me. We need to pay for the accessories that we need for the reunion, tent, food, supplies, etc. I will attach forms to this email for those who might not have received the forms. If you input it on the computer, it will do everything for you, and then you can print it out or send it to me & mail your payment to me. Mahalo nui loa for your cooperation!

O wau no me ka ho'omaika'i!

Sanford S. K. Kameekua
1447 Kiukee Place
Kailua, Hawaii 96734-4271
Kelepona: 808-262-1447

Monday, December 14, 2009

Updated Committees

‘Ohana Reunion Officers & Committees:

President – Sanford S. K. Kameekua
Vice-President – Rochelle Willis
Secretary – Loma Cordero
Treasurer – Lisa Daniel
Sargeant @ Arms – Sonya Badayos

01. Entertainment, Music, Golf, Etc.
a. Brandon Daniel
b. Loma Cordero
c. Troy Andrade

02. Activities Or Programs For Kids
a. Kealoha Mailou Kama

03. Genealogy
a. Sanford S. K. Kameekua
b. Lisa Daniel
c. Johnna Willis-Thomas (Tales From The Night Rainbow)
d. Richard Brooking
e. Leimomi Cummings
f. Joy Ki’ili

04. Photography, Video & Memorabilia
a. Kamalani Mailou
b. Jasmine Willis

05. Location, Permits, Etc.
a. Kealoha Mailou Kama
b. Pauline Badayos
c. Anelalani Raposas
d. Sonya Badayos

06. T-Shirts
a. Keoki Ki’ili

07. Workshops
a. Keoki Ki’ili (Kane Holomua)
b. Kealoha Mailou Kama
c. Kaleiwohi Cabuyaban
d. Danette Tabion (‘Olelo Hawaii & Na Mea Hana Lima)
e. Gene Parola (Mo’olelo Hawaii )

08. Cleanup & Security
a. Arthur Kaleikini, Sr.
b. Etisone Tuvale
c. Maui Mailou

09. Registration
a. Emma Sarono
b. Rose Tuvale

10. First Aid
a. Carol Sator
b. Sherri Oplendo

11. Treasurer
a. Sanford S. K. Kameekua
b. Lisa Daniel
c. May Kamelamela
d. Danette Kamelamela

12. Food Servers
a. Willis ‘Ohana
b. Nakagawa ‘Ohana

13. Kitchen Help, Cooking, Etc.
a. Charles Ceno
b. Loma Cordero
c. Shari Cordero
d. Brandon Daniel

New Deadline For T-Shirts

Aloha Mai Kakou!

I obtained a new date to turn in the T-shirt orders from the T-shirt makers that Keoki Ki'ili is going through. The orders will be turned in on or about January 12, 2010. As voting upon, we will have one T-shirt with two names two names. Pe’eluakoloia’ao & Kame’ekua. We will probably take our last orders on our January 10, 2010 meeting at Kunia. Will attach the newest form which will automatically do everything for you, then you can print it out & remit to me. If you have any questions, you can email or call me.

Mahalo nui loa!

Sanford S. K. Kameekua
1447 Kiukee Place
Kailua, Hawaii 96734-4271
Kelepona: 808-262-1447

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Makaha Resort & Golf Club

Aloha Mai Kakou!

For those of you who would like to stay at Makaha Resort & Golf Club, We have a block of twenty rooms at this time. Ten rooms are already taken. The price is $99.00 per night, just say you would like to book under, “ Kame’ekua Reunion.” Also could you please let me know if you are booked by December 19, 2009 which is our deadline to get more rooms if need be. The deadline for making reservations is January 10, 2010. The telephone number to the resort is 808-695-9544. If you have any questions you can call or email me.

Mahalo nui loa!

Sanford S. K. Kameekua
1447 Kiukee Place
Kailua, Hawaii 96734-4271
Kelepona: 808-262-1447

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Meeting Attendance

Attending Meeting On November 29, 2009 Sunday

01. Andrade, Troy
02. Badayos, Pauline
03. Badayos, Sonya
04. Bolton, Helen
05. Brooking, Richard
06. Brooking, Yvonne
07. Canadilla, Maude
08. Ceno, Chadwick
09. Ceno, Charles
10. Ceno, Lynette
11. Cordero, Loma
12. Cordero, Ronald
13. Daniel, Brandon
14. Daniel, Dee
15. Daniel, Desiree
16. Daniel, Lisa
17. Daniel, Nohea
18. Dixon, Meshell
19. Kahapea, Robert
20. Kahue, Ernestine
21. Kaleikini, Sr., Arthur
22. Kama, Kealoha
23. Kameekua, Sanford
24. Kamelamela, Danette
25. Kamelamela, May
26. Kauwe, Donna
27. Mailou, Evalani
28. Nakagawa, Garick
29. Nakagawa, Georgette
30. Nakagawa, Gordon
31. Numata, Lynn
32. Parola, Gene
33. Poaipuni, Eliza
34. Rafael, Ame
35. Sator, Carol
36. Tabion, Danette
37. Tabion, Evaristo
38. Williams, Lani
39. Willis, Jasmine
40. Willis, Rochelle
41. Willis, Tricia
42. Willis-Thomas, Johnna

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Fund Raiser

Aloha Mai Kakou!

At the meeting on Sunday, everyone wanted a fund raiser to help keep our cost low. They will hold a swap meet on December 19 & 20, 2009. Should you have anything you would like to sell at the swap meet to help us out, you may drop off items at Arthur Kaleikini’s home at 1009 Maluna Street # A2 or Rochelle Willis at 48 Hauole Avenue by the 15th of this month. Phone numbers are 673-9734 or 2585237.

Mahalo Nui Loa!
Sanford S. K. Kameekua

Officers & Committees

Ano 'ai Kakou!

Per our meeting on Sunday, evryone voted to have one T-shirt with two names & also wanted 'Ohana Officers. So as follows:

‘Ohana Reunion Officers & Committees:

President – Sanford S. K. Kameekua

Vice-President – Rochelle Willis

Secretary – Loma Cordero

Treasurer – Lisa Daniel

Sargeant @ Arms – Sonya Badayos

01. Entertainment, Music, Golf, Etc.

a. Brandon Daniel
b. Loma Cordero
c. Troy Andrade

02. Activities Or Programs For Kids

a. Kealoha Mailou Kama

03. Genealogy

a. Sanford S. K. Kameekua
b. Lisa Daniel
c. Johnna Willis-Thomas (Tales From The Night Rainbow)
d. Leimomi Cummings
e. Joy Ki’ili

04. Photography, Video & Memorabilia

a. Kamalani Mailou
b. Jasmine Willis

05. Location, Permits, Etc.

a. Kealoha Mailou Kama
b. Pauline Badayos
c. Anelalani Raposas
d. Sonya Badayos

06. T-Shirts

a. Keoki Ki’ili

07. Workshops

a. Keoki Ki’ili (Kane Holomua)
b. Kealoha Mailou Kama
c. Kaleiwohi Cabuyaban
d. Danette Tabion (‘Olelo Hawaii & Na Mea Hana Lima)
e. Gene Parola (Mo’olelo Hawaii )

08. Cleanup & Security

a. Arthur Kaleikini, Sr.
b. Etisone Tuvale
c. Maui Mailou

09. Registration

a. ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Emma Sarono
b. Rose Tuvale

10. First Aid

a. Carol Sator
b. Sherri Oplendo

11. Treasurer

a. Sanford S. K. Kameekua
b. Lisa Daniel
c. May Kamelamela
d. Danette Kamelamela

12. Food Servers

a. Willis ‘Ohana
b. Nakagawa ‘Ohana

13. Kitchen Help, Cooking, Etc.

a. Charles Ceno
b. Loma Cordero
c. Shari Cordero
d. Brandon Daniel

Payment Form

Aloha Kakaou!

Sending out payment form again. There seems to be a few that didn't get the form. You need excel to open the form. If you cannot open the form, just send me the information & I'll input it. you can send payment to me: Sanford S. K. Kameekua. Information needed names age & gender. Cost 13 & up $10.00, 4 to 12 $5.00 & 4 & under free. Any questions just email me or call.

Mahalo nui loa!

Sanford S. K. Kameekua
1447 Kiukee Place
Kailua, Hawaii 96734-4271
Kelepona: 808-262-1447